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by Near
Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:22 am
Forum: SNESdev
Topic: Errors with INIDISP
Replies: 26
Views: 18794

Re: Errors with INIDISP

If forced blank doesn't interrupt sprite sliver fetches on a 1CHIP, does that mean VRAM writes during HBlank won't work? If you mean VRAM writes during force blank and inside hblank ... that's a very good question! I assume they'll work anyway and just overdrive what the sprite fetches read back ...
by Near
Wed Feb 17, 2021 9:36 pm
Forum: SNESdev
Topic: Errors with INIDISP
Replies: 26
Views: 18794

Re: Errors with INIDISP

It's funny ... dissastisfaction with bugs in my previous fan translation of Der Langrisser on hardware but not emulators is what led to me getting into emulation. All these years later with seemingly known 100% compatibility, I end up discovering not one, but two new unemulated hardware bugs in my ...
by Near
Wed Feb 17, 2021 1:53 am
Forum: SNESdev
Topic: Errors with INIDISP
Replies: 26
Views: 18794

Re: Errors with INIDISP

Would you say it is safe to HDMA to INIDISP, as long as d7 is never set ? There's a bug in the latest (1.10.3) fxpak firmware that makes even this unsafe. Its MCU performs background fetches between CPU cycles, and will update the MDR to hold a value where d7 can be set. Once that bug is fixed in a ...
by Near
Wed Jul 01, 2020 1:27 am
Forum: SNESdev
Topic: Gauss Table Creation
Replies: 37
Views: 36016

Re: Gauss Table Creation

I finally got around to this since I needed the PS1 SPU gaussian table. I noticed functional code for the PS1 was never posted, so here's my code to generate both tables: int16_t gaussianTable[512]; //Sony DSP (SNES) //can round with + 0.5 as values are always positive void DSP ...
by Near
Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:01 am
Forum: phpBB Issues
Topic: Change my username?
Replies: 85
Views: 149197

Re: far automata

Changed. I tried to do a rank referring to your past work, if that's OK with you. If you want an even cleaner break, I can handle that as well. Ah, thank you very much! Yeah, the rank is perfect. But now who's Far ? I suppose we'll find out in the ... near future.
by Near
Mon Jun 15, 2020 11:29 am
Forum: phpBB Issues
Topic: Change my username?
Replies: 85
Views: 149197

Re: Change my username?

Sorry to be a burden, but could you change my username to Near please? ^-^; No rush or anything. I would prefer not to be given a rank referencing the old name if possible, or at least not forever, but I understand if you can't grant that request and a rename + formerly role is still better than ...
by Near
Sat Jun 13, 2020 4:44 am
Forum: SNESdev
Topic: Mesen-S - SNES Emulator
Replies: 392
Views: 333382

Re: Mesen-S - SNES Emulator

last active channel... and then I never implemented the "last active channel" check at all :) So it was triggering the bug too often. It's a shame it's all trapped in 10+ year old forum posts and such, yeah. It was a real pain to figure this all out and now it's almost lost to time. It's wild how ...
by Near
Sat Jun 06, 2020 10:37 pm
Forum: SNESdev
Topic: Mesen-S - SNES Emulator
Replies: 392
Views: 333382

Re: Mesen-S - SNES Emulator

It's quite easy to make Bonk go through the pipe every time by tweaking the CPU<>SMP ratio, but it's just as hardware-inaccurate to make that happen as it is for him to always get stuck. Making it randomized by choosing a different CPU<>SMP ratio on each game play would break determinism (TAS, movie ...
by Near
Sat May 23, 2020 10:48 pm
Forum: SNESdev
Topic: Mesen-S - SNES Emulator
Replies: 392
Views: 333382

Re: Mesen-S - SNES Emulator

For anybody that might be interested: Mesen-S now supports GB and GBC games as of a few days ago. Originally, this was mostly for the sake of adding Super Game Boy support (which I still haven't gotten around to), but I figured I might as well allow GB (and GBC since they're basically the same ...
by Near
Sun Mar 01, 2020 5:03 pm
Forum: SNESdev
Topic: Mesen-S - SNES Emulator
Replies: 392
Views: 333382

Re: Mesen-S - SNES Emulator

The game enables NMI in the middle of vertical blank (with a 16-bit write to 4200+4201), and it expects the instruction that follows the write to run before the NMI handler is called. Isn't it just beyond incredible that there are seemingly hundreds of titles in a library of only ~2,000 unique non ...
by Near
Mon Feb 17, 2020 4:14 am
Forum: SNESdev
Topic: Mesen-S - SNES Emulator
Replies: 392
Views: 333382

Re: Mesen-S - SNES Emulator

Kilobytes vs kilobits. Dezaemon has 1024 kilobits, which is 128 kilobytes. That is the largest official size of any licensed game. I allow up to 2048 kilobits or 256 kilobytes, because of homebrew titles. Could be the fault of SMW hacks. Since the music does break some emulators. Older Addmusic ...
by Near
Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:19 pm
Forum: General Stuff
Topic: Word of notice: Byuu is changing usernames
Replies: 10
Views: 11663

Re: Word of notice: Byuu is changing usernames

I'm updating the name in places that allow me to. phpBB3 isn't one of them. Bit concerned about squatting too if I free up this name so I'll probably keep it on the major sites like Reddit and HN, but just stop using those places to talk personally. And yeah, it's not been fun on the whole even at ...
by Near
Sat Feb 08, 2020 7:04 pm
Forum: General Stuff
Topic: Word of notice: Byuu is changing usernames
Replies: 10
Views: 11663

Re: Word of notice: Byuu is changing usernames

So he was named after the Bahamut Lagoon protagonist after all. Yeah, I took the name originally in 1998 when starting on a group project to fan translate Bahamut Lagoon. It failed due to mistakes I had made regarding the script translation. Right about that point I learned that "byuu" alternately ...
by Near
Tue Dec 10, 2019 6:16 pm
Forum: NESemdev
Topic: kindred (emulator)
Replies: 27
Views: 30607

Re: kindred (emulator)

Neo Geo Pocket is on my list too but I should really finish the systems that are half done before I start anything new. I'd seriously recommend reconsidering that one, but hey if you want :p Some highlights: * there are I/O registers that change interrupt ...
by Near
Tue Nov 26, 2019 8:12 am
Forum: NESemdev
Topic: kindred (emulator)
Replies: 27
Views: 30607

Re: kindred (emulator)

I've just added Pocket Challenge W to the list of systems now emulated by kindred. I think this is the first? Please correct me if I am wrong. It's listed in MAME, but they're marked supported=no, so this may well be a first. Very impressive to emulate a TLCS-90 for that. I had to do the TLCS-900/H ...