There are a lot of experienced programmers here but I am still a beginner, so please forgive me for my rudeness
As I heard if you want to learn something better then teach it to someone else.
I hope this tutorial help beginners.
In this tutorial I am going to use ASM6 and NROM-256.
In each level I will develop the code step by step.
I will use explicit style of coding and easy to read, even if it eats a lot of space, so the codes are not perfect and optimized!
Anyway, Less Talk, More Walk :
Level 1 : Source Code Structure
Level 2 : iNES Header
Level 3 : Interrupts
Level 4 : Init Code
Level 5 : Background
Level 6 : Move Background
Level 7 : Sprite
Level 8 : Multiple Sprites
Level 9 : Using Joypad
To admins of nesdev forum : If you think this tutorial is useless feel free to remove it, but please give me time to make a backup from it, because I am working directly on the forum.
To professional programmers : please inform me about my mistakes
To beginners : please give me feedback about the tutorial so that I can improve it
Thanks in advance
NES Programming Tutorial : Intro
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