Hi, a little pixel art editor for your pleasure, nothing very complicated.
please tell me if it works on various emulator or powerpak or krizzz
i made it with Family Basic
button a : draw
button b : del
select : change color (3 color : 2 blue and 1 white)
start : clear screen
Source code (Family Basic V3) :
10 cls:locate 6,4
20 ? chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254);
30 ? chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254):locate 6,6:? "PIXELART EDITOR"
40 locate 6,8
50 ? chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255);"16x16";chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)
190 locate 9,15:? "PUSHSTART":locate 9,20:? chr$(180);" 2013 LB"
200 t=strig(0)
210 if t=1 then goto 300
250 goto 200
300 cls
330 x=0:y=0:c=253
400 t=stick(0):s=strig(0)
420 if t=1 and x<27 then x=x+1
430 if t=2 and x>0 then x=x-1
440 if t=4 and y<21 then y=y+1
450 if t=8 and y>0 then y=y-1
470 if s=2 and c<256 then c=c+1
480 if s=2 and c>255 then c=253
490 if s=8 then locate x,y:print chr$(c)
500 a$=scr$(x,y)
510 if s=4 then a$=chr$(32)
520 if s=1 then goto 300
600 locate x,y:print chr$(176):locate x,y:print a$
640 locate 1,22
650 ?"a:draw b:del sel:";chr$(c);" st:new"
800 goto 400
Select copy and paste (with F12 to Nestopia)
I hope my code help you to understand Family Basic.
Family Basic is the easy way to develop on Nintendo NES.
More about Family Basic at http://powerfamicom.tumblr.com/
Pixel Art Editor + Source in Family Basic
Moderator: Moderators
Pixel Art Editor + Source in Family Basic
- Attachments
- pixel2_002.png (1.33 KiB) Viewed 8657 times
- pixel2_001.png (1.01 KiB) Viewed 8657 times
- pixel2.nes
- (40.02 KiB) Downloaded 780 times
Last edited by lbarasc on Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Pixel Art Editor + Source in Family Basic
Another source code : (there was a copy / paste mistake with " i think !)
10 cls:locate 6,4
20 ? chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254);
30 ? chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254):locate 6,6:? "PIXELART EDITOR"
40 locate 6,8
50 ? chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255);"16x16";chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)
190 locate 9,15:? "PUSHSTART":locate 9,20:? chr$(180);" 2013 LB"
200 t=strig(0)
210 if t=1 then goto 300
250 goto 200
300 cls
330 x=0:y=0:c=253
400 t=stick(0):s=strig(0)
420 if t=1 and x<27 then x=x+1
430 if t=2 and x>0 then x=x-1
440 if t=4 and y<21 then y=y+1
450 if t=8 and y>0 then y=y-1
470 if s=2 and c<256 then c=c+1
480 if s=2 and c>255 then c=253
490 if s=8 then locate x,y:print chr$(c)
500 a$=scr$(x,y)
510 if s=4 then a$=chr$(32)
520 if s=1 then goto 300
600 locate x,y:print chr$(176):locate x,y:print a$
640 locate 1,22
650 ?"a:draw b:del sel:";chr$(c);" st:new"
800 goto 400
10 cls:locate 6,4
20 ? chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254);
30 ? chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254):locate 6,6:? "PIXELART EDITOR"
40 locate 6,8
50 ? chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255);"16x16";chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)
190 locate 9,15:? "PUSHSTART":locate 9,20:? chr$(180);" 2013 LB"
200 t=strig(0)
210 if t=1 then goto 300
250 goto 200
300 cls
330 x=0:y=0:c=253
400 t=stick(0):s=strig(0)
420 if t=1 and x<27 then x=x+1
430 if t=2 and x>0 then x=x-1
440 if t=4 and y<21 then y=y+1
450 if t=8 and y>0 then y=y-1
470 if s=2 and c<256 then c=c+1
480 if s=2 and c>255 then c=253
490 if s=8 then locate x,y:print chr$(c)
500 a$=scr$(x,y)
510 if s=4 then a$=chr$(32)
520 if s=1 then goto 300
600 locate x,y:print chr$(176):locate x,y:print a$
640 locate 1,22
650 ?"a:draw b:del sel:";chr$(c);" st:new"
800 goto 400
Re: Pixel Art Editor + Source in Family Basic
Just FYI, Family Basic(at least v2.x) will not start without keyboard.
Re: Pixel Art Editor + Source in Family Basic
I noticed the pixel2.nes binary in this topic. Is that converted from Familiy BASIC to NES binary via SSTONES in this topic?
Re: Pixel Art Editor + Source in Family Basic
Yes, i convert my little program made with Family Basic V3 in .NES file with STTONES convert tool !
It is the easy way to dev on Famicom, you program in Family Basic then you convert the code to .NES rom file with STTONES.
It is the easy way to dev on Famicom, you program in Family Basic then you convert the code to .NES rom file with STTONES.