I have been working on a metroidvania style game for the 2014 compo for the past 3 weeks. So today I decided to attach what I have so far. It's going to use the A53 mapper solely for the mirroring switch. I intend to restrict it to 32k for the possibility that all mapper register selecting be done in the multicart menu.
Little things I'm happy about accomplishing:
- TV system detection in the second "bit $2002" wait.
- A PPU uploading system in vblank that works with five 32-byte buffers.
- A simple callback from nmi, so that I can also have a background process for level unpacking.
- Modified famitone2 to support Dendy.
- An interesting system function I coded yesterday. (try holding 'A')
- progressive metatile loading to nametables via the PPU uploading thing I made
- pattern shift rotation for fake parallax.
- main character jumping from a flat ground.
Thanks to the editors of nesdev wiki, and everyone involved in unregistered's thread (it was quite a read). I'll continue to post updates to this thread, and I'll rename the topic when this game is finally named.