I'm working on a port of Wizard of Wor to the NES.
Source code here: http://github.com/tschak909/wow
I am an experienced software engineer with some 6502 experience, and I recently completed an Atari VCS game of Dodgeball, which can be found here: http://github.com/tschak909/dodgeball/ .. Have been a member of AtariAge since 2006 (and the Stella mailing lists since 1998), but this is my first venture into the NES homebrew community.
I initially was going to try doing WoW for the ColecoVision, but it turned out that Opcode had beaten me to the punch

I will be writing the primary game code in CC65, but for now, my concentration is on trying to make the graphics as accurate as possible. This is a challenge for me, as the original Astrocade based display runs at a different color clock, and therefore aspect ratio. (352x240) (As it happens, there are +2 more pixels in the horizontal direction, basically. so things need to be squeezed..also since I am targeting this for NTSC, there is less vertical space available.)
I've managed to take enough of a pass at the graphics to start laying out nametables so I can get an idea of scale (these static nametables won't be used as such, but hopefully will be generated programmatically).
Some of the chr's in yychr:
and in the middle of doing the first pass at the character screen. note the attribute clash.

I have been proceeding glacially at this for the last few weeks, but I am trying to be slow, patient, and precise. So i'll be working on the graphics for a while, until I can balance out accuracy for constraints... once I'm sure I can get everything squeezed in well enough, I'll start coding.
The target for this guy is an NROM-256. If I can do it smaller...great. I don't see a need to do a mapper.
Anyway, back to it. I hope all the American users have a good 4th of July.

(edit: images were obnoxiously large due to my hi-dpi display. Turned them into URLs to be polite.)