2016 NESDev Compo - Guidelines/Rules

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2016 NESDev Compo - Guidelines/Rules

Post by NESHomebrew »


This year there are two categories.

Category 1:
  • Mapper 28 compatible entry up to 64KB with NO PRG-RAM
  • Prizes as follows:
    • 1st Place - $512
    • 2nd Place - $256
    • 3rd Place - $128
    • 4th Place - $64
    • 5th Place - $32
  • Dev. Edition Numbered multicarts (#1 for 1st place, #2 for 2nd, etc) for all meritorious entries (at judges discretion).
  • Judging criteria and full submission requirements to be posted shortly
  • Anonymous entries are allowed if you wish to opt out of receiving a prize, but would still like your submission included.
  • By submitting an entry into this contest, you are giving full consent to use the entry on the multicart. Submissions must meet multicart standards to be inlcuded (at judges discretion).
  • See General Guidelines below.
tepples wrote:Mapper-specific advice:
  • NROM-128: Be careful not to write to $8000-$FFFF. Test with a breakpoint on writes to ROM.
  • NROM, CNROM: Be careful not to overwrite CHR ROM. Test with a breakpoint on writes to PPU $0000-$1FFF.
  • NROM, CNROM, ANROM, BNROM: $FFD0-$FFF9 of each 32K PRG ROM bank must be unused.
  • UNROM (2): $FFD0-$FFF9 must be unused.
  • UNROM (180): $BFD0-$BFF9 must be unused.
  • A53: Write to register $81 only once, at the beginning of the program, and match the values written to $80 to the size of the entry: $00-$0F for 32K entries and $10-$1F for 64K entries. Specify whether $FFD0-$FFF9 or $BFD0-$BFF9 is unused.
  • Contest runs from June 1, 2016 until January 31, 2017.
  • Entries should be submitted by February 1st 12:00AM CST
  • Commercially released entries, and previously submitted entries with no changes are discouraged.
  • Multiple entries are allowed and encouraged.
  • Only one cash/cartridge/shirt(?) prize will be awarded per entrant across all categories. If multiple submissions place in a cash winning position, the greatest prize will be awarded, and the runner up will receive the prize. You can only win one cash prize. You can only win one cartridge. You can only win one shirt.
  • Entries must be original. Plagiarism and copyright infringement will result in disqualification.
  • Use of existing tools/libraries/code qualify as long as permission has been granted by the author.
  • Collaborations are allowed, prize distribution will be decided by those who collaborated on the project.
  • Explicit content is not prohibited from the competition, but will most likely not be considered for multicart inclusion.

Category 2 (the non-contest):
  • Anything Goes - old unreleased stuff, modified existing stuff, whatever. If it runs on the NES/FC feel free to submit it.
  • There will be no cash prizes awarded for this category.
  • Dev. Edition NON-Numbered multicarts and shirts for all entries included on the multicart (at judges discretion)
  • Depending on the configuration of the entry, it may not be possible to include it on the multicart, however, at the judges discretion NON-Numbered multicarts and shirts will be awarded. For exceptional submissions, extra effort may be done to adapt the game/cartridge hardware to support being included in the multicart.
  • Entrants are not required to consent to multicart inclusion upon submission.
  • Since this category will not be ranked or judged, it will also not be under the strict submission dates and times. If it is submitted before the multicart is released, then it is fair game. Keep in mind, the sooner it is submitted the better chance it will have at making it onto the multicart.
  • Entries in this category will also not be under the restriction of the General Guidelines above, but material you do not have rights to will not be considered for the multicart.
Category 2 is intended to give publicity to homebrewers by having their work placed on the nesdevcompo website, and to encourage entrants to finish their projects.

Judging details, and submission guidelines are on the website. Please reply on this thread, PM me, or email NESHomebrew@gmail.com with any questions or clarification. Thanks and GOOD LUCK to all entrants!
Last edited by NESHomebrew on Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:56 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: 2016 NESDev Compo - Guidelines/Rules

Post by na_th_an »

Thanks for putting the rules out so soon.

I'm preparing two entries right away :)

Very simple question, in regards to this: "Commercially released entries, and previously submitted entries with no changes are discouraged."

I know this is just common sense and can be worked out, but I'd like some official clarification, because I will most likely finish my entries before the deadline. Does this rule encourage me to hold them from being released until they are submitted to the compo?

More specificly:
Can entries be posted on the internet as free ROM downloads before the compo ends?
Can entries be released in physical form before the compo ends?

I would have no problems on waiting or even not releasing the games myself in any form, for the record.
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Re: 2016 NESDev Compo - Guidelines/Rules

Post by NESHomebrew »

na_th_an wrote: Can entries be posted on the internet as free ROM downloads before the compo ends?
Of course, progress threads are encouraged this year. In previous years this wasn't the case and we've since changed our stance on the matter.
na_th_an wrote: Can entries be released in physical form before the compo ends?
I'd have to ask for other opinions on this. If it is for the anything goes category I don't see it as being a problem, but if it were to be included on the multicart their may be a conflict of interest since the entire competition is funded by the multicart sales.
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Re: 2016 NESDev Compo - Guidelines/Rules

Post by na_th_an »

Fair enough, I understand that, it was exactly what I thought, yet I found the wording a bit vague. Thank you :)

IMHO, entrants who plan to make carts of their games should wait until some time after the multicart has shipped. This should be encouraged, if not required, taking in account the fact that this whole thing is supported by the sales of the multicart.
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Re: 2016 NESDev Compo - Guidelines/Rules

Post by NESHomebrew »

na_th_an wrote: IMHO, entrants who plan to make carts of their games should wait until some time after the multicart has shipped. This should be encouraged, if not required, taking in account the fact that this whole thing is supported by the sales of the multicart.
At the end of the day, we can't force anyone to do anything. I don't want to be too pushy about making it a rule, since it is usually quite a while after a contest concludes before the multicart is shipped. Maybe we can make it a strong suggestion :)
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Re: 2016 NESDev Compo - Guidelines/Rules

Post by thefox »

NESHomebrew wrote:
na_th_an wrote: IMHO, entrants who plan to make carts of their games should wait until some time after the multicart has shipped. This should be encouraged, if not required, taking in account the fact that this whole thing is supported by the sales of the multicart.
At the end of the day, we can't force anyone to do anything. I don't want to be too pushy about making it a rule, since it is usually quite a while after a contest concludes before the multicart is shipped. Maybe we can make it a strong suggestion :)
It's probably not a big deal either way. If somebody is working on a larger project that they'd like to put on a cart, they'd probably not entry it in the compo anyways. And if they're working on a smaller project, the chances of them being in a hurry to put it on a cart are low, I'd say. Probably a strong suggestion in this direction would suffice.
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Re: 2016 NESDev Compo - Guidelines/Rules

Post by dougeff »

What's A53?
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Re: 2016 NESDev Compo - Guidelines/Rules

Post by NESHomebrew »

dougeff wrote:What's A53?
Mapper 28. Action 53.
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Re: 2016 NESDev Compo - Guidelines/Rules

Post by Myask »

aaa there are only ten wee-

wait, there's still no official deadline posted yet? :?
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Re: 2016 NESDev Compo - Guidelines/Rules

Post by NESHomebrew »

NESHomebrew wrote: [*]Contest runs from June 1, 2016 until January 31, 2017.
[*]Entries should be submitted by February 1st 12:00AM CST
I really need to update the official website. I will to that either tonight or tomorrow as time allows.
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Re: 2016 NESDev Compo - Guidelines/Rules

Post by gauauu »

I'm wondering about the scope and usage of the multicart that will be sold at the end -- I'm looking at some resources that are licensed under a CC-NC license that doesn't allow commercial usage, and trying to determine if that would conflict with how the multicarts will be sold.

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Re: 2016 NESDev Compo - Guidelines/Rules

Post by dougeff »

What resources are you referring to? All the usual NES tools are free to use for any purpose.
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Re: 2016 NESDev Compo - Guidelines/Rules

Post by gauauu »

dougeff wrote:What resources are you referring to? All the usual NES tools are free to use for any purpose.
Music, for example. I'm no composer and don't (yet?) have one on board, so was looking around at options for using including some already-made music.
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Re: 2016 NESDev Compo - Guidelines/Rules

Post by tepples »

You could always grab a random classical score off Mutopia Project and arrange it. If a musical work was first published before 1923 and its composer died before 1946, you're in the clear for cover versions.
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Re: 2016 NESDev Compo - Guidelines/Rules

Post by gauauu »

Well, I've found some other music that worked. Still curious though, whether you guys would consider this as commercial...
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