2018 NESDev Compo Rules/Guidelines

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2018 NESDev Compo Rules/Guidelines

Post by NESHomebrew »

Category 1:
  • This category is reserved for games. Any tools or toys should be submitted as category 2.
  • Mapper 28 compatible entry up to 64KB with NO PRG-RAM
  • Prizes as follows:
    • 1st Place - $512
    • 2nd Place - $256
    • 3rd Place - $128
    • 4th Place - $64
    • 5th Place - $32
  • Limited Edition multicarts for all meritorious entries (at judges discretion)
  • Anonymous entries are allowed if you wish to opt out of receiving a prize, but would still like your submission included.
  • By submitting an entry into this contest, you are giving full consent to use the entry on the multicart. Submissions must meet multicart standards to be inlcuded (see below under general guidelines)
  • See General Guidelines below.
tepples wrote:Mapper-specific advice:
  • NROM-128: Be careful not to write to $8000-$FFFF. Test with a breakpoint on writes to ROM.
  • NROM, CNROM: Be careful not to overwrite CHR ROM. Test with a breakpoint on writes to PPU $0000-$1FFF.
  • NROM, CNROM, ANROM, BNROM: $FFD0-$FFF9 of each 32K PRG ROM bank must be unused.
  • UNROM (2): $FFD0-$FFF9 must be unused.
  • UNROM (180): $BFD0-$BFF9 must be unused.
  • A53: Write to register $81 only once, at the beginning of the program, and match the values written to $80 to the size of the entry: $00-$0F for 32K entries and $10-$1F for 64K entries. Specify whether $FFD0-$FFF9 or $BFD0-$BFF9 is unused.
Excessive padding is discouraged. For example, an entry's 10 KiB of PRG data shouldn't be strewn across a 32 KiB PRG ROM; it should instead be packed into 16 KiB. Nor should a CNROM have two CHR ROM banks that are less than half full; NROM with $2000 switching is usually better for that situation. This helps ensure more entries can fit on the multicart.
  • Contest runs until January 31, 2019.
  • Entries should be submitted by February 1st 12:00AM CST
  • Commercially released entries, and previously submitted entries with no changes are discouraged.
  • Multiple entries are allowed and encouraged.
  • Only one cash/cartridge/other physical prize will be awarded per entrant across all categories. If multiple submissions place in a cash winning position, the greatest prize will be awarded, and the runner up will receive the prize. You can only win one cash prize*. You can only win one cartridge**. You can only win one other physical prize.
  • Entries must be original. Plagiarism and copyright infringement will result in disqualification.
  • Use of existing tools/libraries/code qualify as long as permission has been granted by the author.
  • Collaborations are allowed, prize distribution will be decided by those who collaborated on the project. This decision should be known by the person who submitted the entry as they will be our primary contact. Please make these decisions beforehand.
  • There are no restrictions on submissions including explicit content.
  • Publishers and organizers reserve the right to request changes to your entry for content exceeding E10+ ESRB rating prior to inclusion on published cartridges.
    *In the event that a single entrant wins multiple cash prizes, regardless of who collaborated on the projects, the person who submits the project represents the whole. i.e., Project A and Project B won 1st and 2nd respectively. They were submitted by Bob. Larry was a collaborator on Project B. There will still only be one cash prize for the two projects.
    **If the entry is a collaboration, additional cartridges may be purchased at cost for fellow collaborators (or deducted from a cash prize if applicable).

Category 2 (the non-contest):
  • Anything Goes - old unreleased stuff, modified existing stuff, whatever. If it runs on the NES/FC feel free to submit it.
  • There will be no cash prizes awarded for this category.
  • Multicarts and possible physical prizes for all entries included on the multicart (at judges discretion)
  • Depending on the configuration of the entry, it may not be possible to include it on the multicart, however, at the judges discretion multicarts and physical prizes will be awarded. For exceptional submissions, extra effort may be done to adapt the game/cartridge hardware to support being included in the multicart.
  • Entrants are not required to consent to multicart inclusion upon submission.
  • Since this category will not be ranked or judged, it will also not be under the strict submission dates and times. If it is submitted before the multicart is released, then it is fair game. Keep in mind, the sooner it is submitted the better chance it will have at making it onto the multicart.
  • Entries in this category will also not be under the restriction of the General Guidelines above, but material you do not have rights to will not be considered for the multicart.
Category 2 is intended to give publicity to homebrewers by having their work placed on the nesdevcompo website, and to encourage entrants to finish their projects.


There has been some interest in having a little side competition to give recognition to multi-player games (which traditionally don't score well even though they are probably the most fun in a group). Also, interest has been shown on remaking/remixing previously existing competition entries. As a result we are trying out a little side competition with some prizes. These will be awarded by community vote once the competition is finished. These prizes are subject to the same "one cash prize, etc" listed above. The entries for these prizes will be selected from category 1/2 entries which fit the appropriate descriptions.
  • Best Multiplayer Game - $100
  • Best Remix/Remake - $100
Please reply on this thread, PM me, or email NESHomebrew@gmail.com with any questions or clarification. Thanks and GOOD LUCK to all entrants!
Last edited by NESHomebrew on Sun Sep 02, 2018 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2018 NESDev Compo Rules/Guidelines

Post by RogerBidon »

I continued development of Super Tilt Bro. (tail of the ladder in 2016). I wonder if it is interesting to you as a remix. As it was not done for the compo, but simply two years of hobby-dev, I would opt-out of any prize. If you are interested I may make an entry thread listing differences since 2016 and attaching a ROM.
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Re: 2018 NESDev Compo Rules/Guidelines

Post by dougeff »

I wonder, if a NESmaker game was submitted in category 2, could it potentially make it onto an Action 53 cart?

I mean, mapper 30 is a variation on UxROM, so you would think it's possible. Right?
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Re: 2018 NESDev Compo Rules/Guidelines

Post by NESHomebrew »

RogerBidon wrote:I continued development of Super Tilt Bro. (tail of the ladder in 2016). I wonder if it is interesting to you as a remix. As it was not done for the compo, but simply two years of hobby-dev, I would opt-out of any prize. If you are interested I may make an entry thread listing differences since 2016 and attaching a ROM.
The "side contests" are for entries in Category 1/2. Basically once all the entries are in, any fitting the description of multiplayer or remix/remake will be voted on. Sounds like this could be appropriate for a category 2 entry, and definitely a candidate for the finished Action 53 master cart.
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Re: 2018 NESDev Compo Rules/Guidelines

Post by RogerBidon »

NESHomebrew wrote:definitely a candidate for the finished Action 53 master cart.
Oh yeah, it seems to be a better fit. I'll let JRoatch know how/where to find the updated game in case he wants it. Thank you
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Re: 2018 NESDev Compo Rules/Guidelines

Post by tepples »

dougeff wrote:I wonder, if a NESmaker game was submitted in category 2, could it potentially make it onto an Action 53 cart?

I mean, mapper 30 is a variation on UxROM, so you would think it's possible. Right?
Let's say the game is 128 KiB or smaller. (Bigger and it might not meet the "value for space" criterion for the carts.) Then mapper 30 is defined as follows:

Code: Select all

|||   +++- Select 16K ROM bank at CPU $8000
|++------- Select 8K RAM bank at PPU $0000
+--------- Select 1K RAM bank at PPU $2000 (ignored on boards using H or V mirroring)
I don't know what all features of mapper 30 NESmaker actually uses, but I can see four cases:
  1. If you're using H or V mirroring, not bank switching CHR RAM, and not self-flashing, the ROM will run on a standard UNROM board (mapper 2).
  2. If you're using 1-screen mirroring, moving the mirroring select from bit 7 to bit 4 allows it to run as mapper 28.
  3. If you're using multiple CHR RAM banks, you need to write 0 to $5000, write the CHR RAM bank to $8000, write 1 to $5000, and write the ROM bank (and tilemap bank if 1-screen) to bits 2-0 of $8000.
  4. If you're using self-flashability, fuhgeddaboudit.
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Re: 2018 NESDev Compo Rules/Guidelines

Post by dustmop »

Awww yeah, definitely submitting something this year, now that I have some more free time.
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Re: 2018 NESDev Compo Rules/Guidelines

Post by tepples »

It should be OK, but inefficient use of CHR after compression is less likely to make the cut of 53 games to be included on the final cartridge.
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Re: 2018 NESDev Compo Rules/Guidelines

Post by qfwfq »

Is this still ending 1/31? It seems like there are far fewer entries this year, but it might just be that there are fewer entry threads.
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Re: 2018 NESDev Compo Rules/Guidelines

Post by FrankenGraphics »

I've gotten that impression too. Speaking strictly for me, i was in on two contributions last year; this year zero. Busy life stuff and economic setbacks mostly, but also wanting to focus on getting a longer version of one of the previous entries completed. At least three games from yesteryear has or are going to get their own cartridge releases; that might've taken some time away for some.
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Re: 2018 NESDev Compo Rules/Guidelines

Post by NESHomebrew »

I know of maybe 3 or 4 projects that haven't had threads so far. I'm trying to stay optimistic :)
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Re: 2018 NESDev Compo Rules/Guidelines

Post by M_Tee »

We've got one that'll definitely be ready, and a quick side project that might also be ready in time. Writing the OP for posting is final step :).
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Re: 2018 NESDev Compo Rules/Guidelines

Post by NovaSquirrel »

When it's done I'll be entering my Dr. Mario clone even though it's not in that subforum.
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Re: 2018 NESDev Compo Rules/Guidelines

Post by mitch3a »

There'll be at least one submission from a project I've been working on. Possibly a second if I can hunt down someone for permissions cos its a port and I'd like sign off from the original dev.
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Re: 2018 NESDev Compo Rules/Guidelines

Post by Sumez »

qfwfq wrote:Is this still ending 1/31? It seems like there are far fewer entries this year, but it might just be that there are fewer entry threads.
I was hoping to do a really fast project this year, but don't think I'll make the deadline. :(

Don't hold out for me though.
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