Known issues after server migration / phpBB upgrade

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Known issues after server migration / phpBB upgrade

Post by koitsu »

Below is a list of items which people have experienced after the forums were upgraded (from phpBB 2.x to 3.x) and migrated to a new server:
  1. Some users have reported issues when logging in to the new forum:
    1. In some cases users receive a message stating their password "needs to be recovered". In the case you receive this message and the Email address associated with your account is not up-to-date, you will need to contact a forum administrator on IRC (EFnet network, #nesdev channel) for assistance. The admin can set your password to something temporary and can Activate your account (once you've updated your Email address).
    2. Some users have experienced a problem where logging in fails the first time, but a subsequent attempt (using the same password) works fine.
  2. Some users have reported their private message / inbox claims to have unread messages, but upon investigation none are found to be unread. Viewing all of your PMs (one at a time I guess) eventually should clear this issue. This may also be a result of bug PHPBB3-10605, which should get fixed when we upgrade to phpBB 3.0.11.
  3. Some users have experienced issues receiving Emails from the forum (for things like password recovery and thread subscription). The new server uses Google / Google Apps for Email, while the old server (Parodius) delivered mail natively (ran its own SMTP server). Mail delivery now takes longer (3-4 minutes) compared to before, but does get sent. Troubleshooting this kind of problem is very time consuming and complex, so if you have issues please be sure to get as much detail as possible (SMTP server logs would be fantastic). Please also be sure to read the next item.
  4. Unlike phpBB 2.x, phpBB 3.x does not appear to send you Email when you a) change your Email address, or b) change your password.
  5. There is an increase in spammers compared to the old forum software; this is being addressed + dealt with on a regular basis, and as time goes on, the situation should improve dramatically. Please be patient.
  6. A missing favicon.ico file for the main site. Support for favicon.ico varies per web browser and browser version. (technical details)
Things fixed:
  1. Post signatures are once again enabled/working; they were disabled globally by phpBB 3.x (apparently the default).
  2. Emails sent for "password recovery" apparently were intermittently failing due to some sort of Google / Google Apps rejection classifying the mail as spam. WhoaMan has fixed this by switching to a different SMTP server/setup.
  3. favicon.ico was missing for a few days after the upgrade, but has since been restored.
  4. Google Apps DNS MX records were missing for, so any mail sent TO the domain (e.g. mailing would indefinitely queue (" port 25: connection refused"). This was fixed on the afternoon of 2012/08/15 after a forum user pointed it out to us on IRC.
  5. Attachments in private messages (PM) were not working. Issue was determined to be with the phpBB configuration (as a result of the upgrade).
  6. The "View active topics" feature wasn't working correctly. Feature enabled for all board and forums, sans Moderation.
Things added/improved/changed:
  1. BBCodes for right-to-left texts, centred texts, and "teletype text" (i.e. in-line monospace) have been added. (reference)
  2. PMs -- the "actively viewed/selected" message used a lightblue background which made it very hard to read. (reference)
  3. Quoted text brightness was increased to make it more readable on some displays/system configurations. (reference)
  4. Added attachment support for the following extensions: .nes .fds .rom .bin .swc .sfc .smc (reference)
  5. Added attachment support for the following extensions: .htm .html .css (reference)
  6. Added attachment support for the following extensions: .mml .ftm .ned .nsf .prg .chr .nez
  7. Added attachment support for the following extensions: .asm .ttf .fon .ttc .otf
  8. Added attachment support for the following extensions: .unf .gb .gbc
  9. Added attachment support for the following extensions: .s .ogg .ogv .opus .webm .gbs .gym .sgc .vgm
  10. Added attachment support for the following extensions: .ips .bps .xdelta3 .pat .ffp .ups .ppf .jfp .rup .gdiff .bdf (reference)
  11. Added attachment support for the following extensions: .py .php .bmp .lha .lzh .dmg (reference)
  12. Added attachment support for the following extensions: .nesproject, .unf, .unif
  13. Added attachment support for the following extensions: .ns[0-9], .st[0-9] (emulator save states) (reference)
  14. Added attachment support for the following extensions: .xdelta