On the subject of wishlists, I've always thought Solar Wars would be a good test case for multi-player over the internet. Then you could chat, or type taunting messages while the other player is taking their turn.
Could be done with cheap hardware, just USB/RS232 over the controller port, I remember after a long search finding some nice free software that was worked as a COM-port to TCP bridge, but I can't remember what it was called (I do believe the author is Russian, but it was documented in English as well). I'm sorta gradually working my way back to that problem again, because I'm definitely wanting internet access for some NES apps I'm working on, and in my case as well, it doesn't need to be low latency or anything.
Thinking about the Solar Wars soundtrack, I remember that the temp.dat file I used, which would have been track 0 in the NSF, was actually a blank file (probably with just note-off commands, and the DPCM note table), which means that I certainly do have all the .dat files here, I can see them here dated Oct 6th, 1999 which must have been the day I sent off the binary. So I could post the set of those, if they're really wanted. And/or NEDs for all but the lost one.