Fizzbuzz is a counting game. Before founding Image Stack Overflow, Jeff Atwood discovered that most people who apply for a programming job don't even know how to program fizzbuzz.
I'm sorry but I can't belive a second that any of that is true. I'd like to hear the version of people who "failed" the test to know the truth behind this.
My guess is that the guy is either :
1) Asking to use a programming language that is not what most people has previously used, and bitch about them being lost in the syntax for a few minutes
2) Comparing other people's solution with his, and calling any difference a failure (even if the result is the same or if they're different but still solving the problem, i.e. starting at 1 instead of 0 or details like that)
3) Just loves to bash other people and call them retarded because his computer is his only friend
As for complaining that people don't know how to use recursion and how to exchange 2 variables without a temp. variable, well there is no reason to do neither because they both means a lost of efficiency (except tail-recursion that in the best case is the same as a normal loop).
There is an increasing trend in companies to expect to hire only
perfect people, and if they decel any sign of weakness they will just say f*** you. But at the same time millions of people are jobless and the governments are struggling to solve the unomployment problem without success. I think they should just force companies to hire the people who are available even if they're not perfect. If they still refuse then they should pay huge fines to the governments to help funding unemployment wages. That would just make sense and solve, at least partially, this problem.
As for the font, I'd love to know how you handled this to fill in a 256-tiles pattern table but you didn't mention that anywhere.