Wrecking Balls is a straightforward four-player versus game based on the legendary Bomberman, squeezed into 16K NROM w/ CHR-RAM. D-pad to move, A button to drop bombs. Blow up walls to get more and bigger bombs, and blow up the other players to win! Credit to WheelInventor for graphics, animations, hardware testing and a whole lot of patience, among other things.
Skull items currently do nothing, and it's fixed to four players no matter how many controllers are connected, but otherwise it's fully playable. It should work with both the Four Score and Famicom expansion ports. It's probably also loaded with bugs, so please bash on it and tell me what breaks.
There is currently no sound or title screen. We're working on it. A level editor is also planned, with battery-backed saving (which obviously won't work on the compo cart even if we do make the deadline).
No ASM was harmed or used in the making of this ROM.