Thanks freem, I actually used the MM animation as a study source.

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Code: Select all
Name: Nebs 'n Debs
Submitted By: Chris Cacciatore
Category: 1
Description: Debs crashed on an alien planet and needs to collect enough crystals to repair her ship and return home. Luckily, she has the help of an accidental ally Nebs, who gives her the ability to dash through enemies, across chasms, and into all sorts of danger.
Controls: D-pad: Movement
Start: Starts the game, pauses while in game.
B: Dash
A: Jump
Rom info: Mapper NROM-256
Filesize 41 KB
Special peripherals Needed: None
Credits: Music - Richard 'kulor' Armijo
Art - Chris Cacciatore
Programming - Chris Cacciatore
Other: N/A
Thanks M_TeeM_Tee wrote:It's simply gorgeous. The dashing turned out really smooth, and the title screen lettering is solid. I especially love the warm emphasis usage on the pause screen.
Aye, Kulor did a great job.rainwarrior wrote:Really nice! Also Kulor's soundtrack is rad. (I really love the "ending" tune.)
Interesting, I hadn't noticed that behavior. Thanks for the report. I will check it out.rainwarrior wrote:I notice the bottom row of attributes seems to get corrupted frequently. I tried to jump down onto one of these. :S
Bummer, a regression it would appearrainwarrior wrote: Am I supposed to die if I jump up here? Or is this an unintentional wrap-around causing me to fall down the pit at the bottom?
Thanks for the reports. Thought the wrap around bug had been fixed.tokumaru wrote:Another very nice entry! I did run into a few problems while dashing, though...
Dashing in the air once sent me behind the clouds and the collision map no longer matched what was being displayed on the screen. I couldn't replicate this in the air, but dashing against this wall or against the edge of the screen a few times does eventually make me land on the opposite side of the screen, and the collision map is wrong.
Thanks for the input. Yeah, that beginning section can be annoying. Also will keep an eye out for the gray screen.FrankenGraphics wrote:This is a very solid and enjoyable entry! Music is fitting and great, too.
Maybe it's just me not mastering the height of the jump yet , but i keep bumping into this platform repeatedly, everytime in the beginning of level two, and kind of wish it was something like the edit to the right in this pic. A very minor issue in a great platforming experience.
Something caused the screen to go gray in fceux (2.2.2) when paused on my first play, but i cannot replicate it.
rainwarrior what emu were you running when you noticed the attr glitches on the bottom row? I haven't been able to reproduce on FCEUX 2.2.3; however, on my Powerpak I do get weirdness-- sometimes attributes are wrong, other times the background tiles, and other times sprites. I was under the impression that my Powerpak was being wonky though. Will need to investigate.rainwarrior wrote: I notice the bottom row of attributes seems to get corrupted frequently. I tried to jump down onto one of these. :S