No, the internal work RAM should be specified, and must be specified for games that battery-back only the internal RAM and use it for save-game purposes, such as Mindseeker. The only time that the internal work RAM is not specified is when there is both internal work RAM and 8 KiB of WRAM and both or neither are battery-backed, to prevent the non-power of two size from having to round up. For all these games, such as Megami Tensei 2, it's also possible to denote the 128 byte of work RAM as non-battery-backed (since the games will not use it for save game data but for sound or not at all, which I verified with every single game), and the 8 KiB of WRAM as battery-backed. And you need to specify the 128 byte of battery-backed EPROM in Mapper 159 as well.Sour wrote:After changing the header to say no work ram (I thought a discussion a long time ago had concluded that the internal RAM for this mapper shouldn't be counted in the header? Unsure.)
I have modified the N163TEST rom to run from $E000. Mesen's N163 emulation does not seem tor emulate the situation in which only one channel is enabled accurately, though, as I cannot hear anything in that situation.