The Town SNES

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Augustus Blackheart
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The Town SNES

Post by Augustus Blackheart »

Here's the SNES version. Again, nothing really playable. I was hoping to have some time to implement a scenario so there was actually something to do other than getting annoyed and pressing buttons.

Ah, and I also didn't get around to converting more of the sprites so Delores can only go left or right. Hmm... and the birds are endless on the title screen. At least they're not Alfred Hitchcocking.

I noticed a bug I introduced when cleaning up the sound driver code so I fixed that. Since I haven't otherwise touched the code in ages I'm releasing it as is. While I'm unlikey to do anything further with the code I do still have on my list to include some of the code here as examples (without the TWP artwork).

A couple of issues in this one.

Sprites can be messed up in the "game" only fixable by resetting.
Sometimes part of BG2 is missing when going from the music player to the title screen.
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Re: The Town SNES

Post by SNES AYE »

Actually some pretty interesting stuff there. Would be interesting to see it taken further into a full playable chunk of the game.
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