Resistor needed for Toploader LED light

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Resistor needed for Toploader LED light

Post by Yoloswagbrah »


i recently got into modding consoles last year and just finished my first rgb upgrade on my toploader. I would
love to add an led light indicator when power is on, but i do not know what ohm/wattage the resistor needs to
be and what the LED should be? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

(i knew I should have paid more attention in my high school electronics class!)
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Re: Resistor needed for Toploader LED light

Post by lidnariq »

Depends on the LED you're driving. If you're putting a rather efficient red LED, it could be as big as 5k. In contrast, an inefficient or very bright white/blue LED you might want as little as 100 ohms.
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Re: Resistor needed for Toploader LED light

Post by Pokun »

If you want to take the easy way just buy a LED that has a built-in resistor for 5 V circuits (which the NES uses), they are a bit more expensive though.

Otherwise you need to look at the specifications of the LED you buy and calculate how much you would need for using it in a 5 V circuit. There are many LED calculators on the internet you can use once you know all the parameters.
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