Code: Select all
00:C7E1: 20 ED F4 JSR $F4ED
00:C7E4: 4C E1 C7 JMP $C7E1
Code: Select all
00:F4ED: A5 18 LDA $18 = #$00
00:F4EF: 29 02 AND #$02
00:F4F1: 85 00 STA $00 = #$00
00:F4F3: A5 19 LDA $19 = #$00
00:F4F5: 29 02 AND #$02
00:F4F7: 45 00 EOR $00 = #$00
00:F4F9: 18 CLC
00:F4FA: F0 01 BEQ $F4FD
00:F4FC: 38 SEC
00:F4FD: 66 18 ROR $18 = #$00
00:F4FF: 66 19 ROR $19 = #$00
00:F501: 66 1A ROR $1A = #$00
00:F503: 66 1B ROR $1B = #$00
00:F505: 66 1C ROR $1C = #$00
00:F507: 66 1D ROR $1D = #$00
00:F509: 66 1E ROR $1E = #$00
00:F50B: 66 1F ROR $1F = #$00
00:F50D: 60 RTS
I found some posts about "infinite" loops in DK like this one: viewtopic.php?t=15561 (the problem here was communication between the PPU and CPU I believe)
and this one: viewtopic.php?t=15934 (this was just a normal loop, not infinite)
but in this case, It's unconditional. I've tried debugging for a while, but couldn't figure out what I did wrong, so I'd appreciate any help.