OK all,
Starting in January this year I made my first NES project. It was called Ninja Slapper and it was basically PONG but with you're guy's help I took it a little farther. It had animation on the characters, title and ending screens, and full sound engine from Metal Slime and the music was composed by me.
I had a blast doing it and then took some time off to start learning Python, however in the midst of learning Python I realized I just wasn't enjoying Python all that much so I want to go back to NESASM.
The problem is, I don't know where to start to take my skills further. For PONG I had a nice little spring board in the Nerdy Nights Tutorials. Now I think I want to do a side scroller with a mapper but I don't really know how to go about getting started on that? I know many of you on this board have learned how to write such code and better. How did you get started?
Any and all suggestions would be great.
Want to expand my skills after PONG. Where to go from here?
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Want to expand my skills after PONG. Where to go from here?
Last edited by mysteriousity on Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Want to expand my skills after PONG. Where to go from he
Scroll something, or make a game with different/more objects. 

Re: Want to expand my skills after PONG. Where to go from he
It may help to go over some source code, both homebrew and commercial disassemblies.
Re: Want to expand my skills after PONG. Where to go from he
Unless you're looking for fancy effects, character bankswitching animation and other tricks I suggest you to use UNROM/UOROM, there's even a tutorial on NintendoAge, it's really easy and can hold 8/16x 8kb banks. However you have to copy the tiles from ROM to Character RAM, but that shouldn't be a problem. Battle Kid uses UNROM EDIT: it's UOROM, plus there are cheap, unwanted games like Microprose's SILENT SERVICE that are also easy to find that you can use to make your own carts.
You can build a simple platformer, or a strategy game, or a puzzle game, it's up to you really, just don't try to add too much complexity on your game or you will get frustrated.
You can build a simple platformer, or a strategy game, or a puzzle game, it's up to you really, just don't try to add too much complexity on your game or you will get frustrated.
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