Famicom Z-machine

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Famicom Z-machine

Post by zzo38 »

I have been making some more progress on a Z-machine interpreter for the Famicom.

I have posted it on the wiki at User:Zzo38/Famicom_Z-machine to allow others to review the work-in-progress, as well as to use it for whatever other purpose you want to use it for.

I continue working on it over time, and will then update the wiki after making several changes to my local copy, too.

You are free to make a comment of it, please.
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Re: Famicom Z-machine

Post by lidnariq »

You might find this huge monolithic C-64 based Z-machine interpreter of interest:

But I looked and it's a single huge asm file that's assembled and glued onto the Z-machine image, so it seems unlikely it's particularly useful.
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Re: Famicom Z-machine

Post by zzo38 »

I have seen that C64 based Z-machine interpreter, after I started working on my own, actually.

However, mine isn't for the Commodore 64, so decimal mode isn't used, and the game is stored in 128K ROM and 64K RAM (the other 128K ROM and 2K RAM is used for the interpreter). Also, mine is for Z-machine versions 1, 2, and 3, rather than 4, 5, and 8. The interpreter is also optimized at compile-time for the specific game in use.

I have added a table of opcode implementation status.
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Re: Famicom Z-machine

Post by zzo38 »

I have made various improvements, however there are still a many things missing, such as MUL, DIV, MOD, and RANDOM.
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Re: Famicom Z-machine

Post by DoctorMikeReddy »

Possibly a long shot given the length of time since anyone posted here, but can anyone advise me what tools are needed to compile the
Famicom-Z code available at viewtopic.php?p=29291 and https://www.nesdev.org/wiki/User:Zzo38/ ... _Z-machine
I have tried with various tools, but cannot get it to recognise macros
Thank you
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Re: Famicom Z-machine

Post by dougeff »

That project was never completed.

Not even close to completed.
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Re: Famicom Z-machine

Post by DoctorMikeReddy »

I’m aware. However, I’d still like to be helped; there are a couple of other projects by the same user from the same period - such as Hangman, which was complete, given there is a NES rom file - that use MagicKit, but there isn’t much documentation
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