I'm reading through the line-by-line timing (http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/PPU_rendering) but I'm a little confused interpreting some of the data on there:
Four memory accesses need to be performed for each tile:
This takes 2 PPU cycles for each, totaling 8 PPU cycles.1. Nametable byte
2. Attribute table byte
3. Tile bitmap low
4. Tile bitmap high (+8 bytes from tile bitmap low)
So 8 PPU cycles later, we have everything we need to render a tile.
Each tile is 8x8 pixels. When we're rendering a tile, we're also performing the four memory accesses above so that we can render the next tile when we're done with the one working on.
When we are in the pre-render scanline (-1, 261), we are preparing to render some tiles. From the wiki:
My question is this:This is a dummy scanline, whose sole purpose is to fill the shift registers with the data for the first two tiles of the next scanline.
Since this prerender scanline is several tiles long, do we only perform 16 memory reads (two tiles worth) and then do nothing until the first tile (visible scanline 0) when we can start performing memory accesses for the third tile?
This would imply that we are always doing the four memory accesses for the 2nd tile after the one we're currently drawing, NOT the next one we're about to draw.
For example, if we're drawing tile 0, we are simultaneously doing the memory accesses to draw tile 2, NOT the next tile (NOT tile 1).
Is any of this remotely correct?