Launching new app for homebrew developers

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Launching new app for homebrew developers

Post by Piko »

Just wanted to drop by and let anybody that is thinking on making a homebrew game and wants to make a physical release that we are about to finish our new app for homebrew developers to track their sales.

If you want more information follow this link:

It is just a simple app which will allow them to track sales, see earnings and see their payments. It will be automated every time a sales comes in our website as well as we can add manual sales if we sell one of your games when we promote it at a gaming convetion etc.

Let me know what you guys think.
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Re: Launching new app for homebrew developers

Post by AlexE »

Pretty nifty. Unfortunately, I have no games made to actually try it out with, but I'm sure it'll be helpful for those who do.
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