I made a few new updates.
- Added a simple two frame animation walking loop
- Added speed variable (just one or zero) which tracks if the player is standing or walking. If standing, the animation loop isn't played.
- Fixed the background vertical scroll issue (stored #$00 #$00 in $2005, which turns off scrolling)
- Moved the letters "FLAGS" to the background layer, which eliminated the tearing problem with too many sprites on the same horizontal row. I had to keep the score on the sprite layer, because I don't know how to write over tiles in the background layer (or if it's even possible)
- Made a seamless background of hedges that I put on both sides of the White House
- Due to the vertical scroll fix, I pushed the remaining tiles down one row. I was surprised that this made the ground in front of the White House look much better, since it moved the ground to the attribute block with the green grass palette.
- When a flag falls below a certain Y coordinate (defined with a constant), it resets to a "random" position at the top of the screen. Previously, the flag would just loop back to the top of the screen after the Y position value rolled back over from #$FF to #$00.