My First Project

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My First Project

Post by Lucradan »

I want to thank everyone on this forum for all their help while I attempted to complete my first NES Programming Project. It took me a good 50 hours of hitting the steep learning curve, but I was able to complete it last weekend.

The project was a gift to the local brick-and-mortar retro-gaming store and they loved it. They've even put it on a cart!

I've attached the source code files (written in asm6) and a couple of screen shots for you enjoyment. I tried to make a movie in FCEUX, but I can't get it record without tons of lag.

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Re: My First Project

Post by rainwarrior »

Lucradan wrote:I tried to make a movie in FCEUX, but I can't get it record without tons of lag.
FCEUX's "Record AVI" function might slow down your computer with all the disk access, but it doesn't record the lag, the output will be frame-perfect.

Choosing a suitable "compressor" option can help reduce the disk access (I like using lagarith). The other option is to use the "Record Movie" feature, which records input instead, save the gameplay movie, then play it back and use the AVI recorder, so you're not trying to play the game while your system lags.
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Re: My First Project

Post by Lucradan »

rainwarrior wrote: FCEUX's "Record AVI" function might slow down your computer with all the disk access, but it doesn't record the lag, the output will be frame-perfect.
I tried for a couple of hours and this was not my experience, playback was always skipping frames when I recorded uncompressed AVI. I was able to get it by running a smaller screen and using Windows Video 1 compression at 75% (the youtube video). But anything else, it's super jumpy
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Re: My First Project

Post by rainwarrior »

Lucradan wrote:...playback was always skipping frames when I recorded uncompressed AVI. I was able to get it by running a smaller screen and using Windows Video 1 compression at 75% (the youtube video). But anything else, it's super jumpy
This again is not skipping in the recorded video, but in your playback. The AVI is fine, but your computer doesn't have enough bandwidth to play back the uncompressed video. (The problem could be the speed of your disk drive, the speed of your CPU, or the speed of your GPU, depending on what's involved.)

I recommend that Lagarith codec I linked above for lossless compression during recording, but once recorded, if you can't play it back use something to re-encode it a H264 or something your computer can play back well to preview it.
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Re: My First Project

Post by zzo38 »

A have a few suggestion:
  • To add the music.
  • To make you can push the button to skip one.
I am not sure why you would want to put it in a ROM cartridge by itself unless just for testing, although of course you can if you want to do. It is good though, I think.
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