The NesCartDB entry for RacerMate Challenge II shows that both VRAMs are battery-backed. Normally a battery-backed memory will have battery="1". But in this XML document, the battery= attribute appears only in <wram> elements, not <vram> elements. Here's the <cartridge> element in question:
Code: Select all
<cartridge system="NES-NTSC" revision="3.11.088" crc="74920C13"
dump="ok" dumper="Skrybe" datedumped="2012-08-30">
<board type="UNL-RACERMATE" pcb="R981-112-00" mapper="168">
<prg name="N311088 05/15/91" size="64k" crc="74920C13"
<vram id="0" size="32k"/>
<vram id="1" size="32k"/>
<chip type="74xx00"/>
<chip type="74xx00"/>
<chip type="74xx174"/>
<chip type="74xx174"/>
<chip type="74xx32"/>
<chip type="74xx32"/>
<chip type="74xx4040"/>
<cic type="337002"/>
<pad h="0" v="1"/>