Pwn Adventure Z, Falling, and Sprilo

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Pwn Adventure Z, Falling, and Sprilo

Post by tepples »

The July issue of Microsoft GitHub's "Game Bytes" blog is "How the Nintendo Entertainment System lives on in open source - Game Bytes" by Lee Reilly. Some already have topics on NESdev: Super Tilt Bro., Nova the Squirrel, and Thwaite. The other three I hadn't heard about:
  • Pwn Adventure Z (repo): "is a zombie survival game made to be hacked. It was originally released as a physical cartridge at CSAW (Cyber Security Awareness Week), the largest student-run cyber security event in the world, for the 2015 CTF (Capture the Flag) competition."
  • Falling (repo): "Not much is known about why our hero is 'Falling' from the sky, but they must collect as many coins as possible while avoiding all platforms. This was @tragicmuffin’s first time creating a game from scratch and working with Assembly."
  • Sprilo (repo) "is a small, time-attack racing game. Test your ability to drive a tiny car around a track as fast as you can in over three unique courses. Created in less than 30 days for last year’s GitHub Game Off competition, this was @cbrwn’s first time creating a game using Assembly for any sort of console. It was created in less than 30 days for last year’s GitHub Game Off competition."
Then it goes on to mention Easy 6502 tutorial.
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Re: Pwn Adventure Z, Falling, and Sprilo

Post by FrankenGraphics »

just yesterday, i was made aware of Tiger Jenny, made in 2014 in part by the same guy who programmed quest forge. Google gave a bunch of results, but none pointed to nesdev.

Here it is:

The title if that article is perhaps slightly misleading, given that the vast majority of homebrew that keeps the NES living isn’t open source, but it is still cool!
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Re: Pwn Adventure Z, Falling, and Sprilo

Post by Punch »

"Pwn Adventure Z" is such a cringy title. :lol:

Capture the flag on the NES? How does that work?
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