SusiKette wrote:
This however only outputs the list file.
You probably have to request the creation of the list file using the appropriate option for this to work as intended:
Code: Select all
asm6 -l main.asm main.bin main.lst
I didn't see a -option that lets you keep the window open to see if there were any problems either, so i can't know what is wrong.
Keeping the window open is not a job for the assembler. Windows will invariably close the command line window after all commands in a .bat file have been executed. To keep the window open, put a "pause" command at the end of your .bat file.
This is a very unfortunate problem with a lot of assemblers that they don't have a very comprehensible manual for beginners if they have one at all.
What you want is a tutorial, not a comprehensible manual, and that's generally beyond the scope of what the creator of a program is expected to deliver.
How to use command line applications is its own topic, and it's generally assumed that people involved with programming have a notion of how that works, but if you don't, you can research that topic separately.