Physics Demo

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Physics Demo

Post by wonder »


My name's Bruno and I'm new here! :D
I've grown-up with a NES clone and having the opportunity to write code for it, is a dream come true! I haven't been this excited about programming in years!!!

So, I've been using the 8bitworkshop IDE for a few weeks now and after creating a mini text adventure, I decided to start experimenting with collision detection.
The entire thing is written in C and I am well aware of its performance issues. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward into learning how to speed-up the critical parts using assembly (inline or files).

Sped-up footage, it's actually pretty slow...

About me:
As a professional, I'm a software developer (Python, C and some C++) for one of the big Japanese IT companies, nothing game related though, just boring business stuff.
As a hobbyist, I develop under the name "Ninja Dynamics" and I have some unfinished/work-in-progress stuff for PC and Android.
As a gamer, I'm completely addicted to Dragon Ball FighterZ (Demon~SS3 rank). I've tried to summarize my favorite games but there are just too many to mention. (Doom 2016 <3)
As an anime fan, Dragon Ball and Neon Genesis Evangelion are my favorite animes ever, alongside with Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Food Wars, just to name a few.

I have so many questions for you guys, so I'm really looking forward into learning a lot more from you all!
Up/Down/Left/Right: Move cursor
A: Spawn balls
B + Up/Down: Inc/Dec amount
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Re: Physics Demo

Post by ccovell »

That's a pretty fun and impressive physics simulation!

Welcome here!
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Re: Physics Demo

Post by pubby »

Cool. Are you handling rotation, or just bouncing? Either is neat I'm just curious.
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Re: Physics Demo

Post by wonder »

ccovell wrote:That's a pretty fun and impressive physics simulation!

Welcome here!
Thank you!! :)
pubby wrote:Cool. Are you handling rotation, or just bouncing? Either is neat I'm just curious.
Thanks!! There is no rotation, just some basic bouncing.

What I'm trying to achieve is a high-level C game framework, while retaining an acceptable level of performance.
The collision detection module so far, was the hardest one to put together (no floats? no sin()? cos()? atan2()? ARGH!!!! :lol: ), but I'm happy I did it! :)

Now I'm wondering if I can rewrite it in assembly... :roll:
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Re: Physics Demo

Post by Lazycow »

Nice demo, thanks for sharing! :D
If it would be used for a game, then a ball-ball collision detection would be handy.
Nevertheless, it's fun as is already...
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