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Post by ironfist61 »

I'll go quickly with this..
I want to make some sprites that I can use as a resource when I get started with this stuff.
What do I need to know to make some raw sprites?

What I want to know is what do I do if I wanted to make NES sprites if I used Adobe Photoshop? Cant I just save an eight color PNG or something and use tilelayer or tilemolester?

I think I'm asking too much questions. Sorry. Just wanted to know this since I'm new to this whole thing.
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Post by No Carrier »

YY-CHR! Get it and load up some NES games. It'll start to make sense! You can copy and paste into it from Photoshop, but make sure you set it to RGB before you paste! If you paste an indexed file it'll screw up!
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Post by Celius »

Yeah, use YY-CHR. I find it's the best graphics editor for the NES out there. Other people prefer other programs such as Tile Layer.

I actually use a combination of photoshop and paint. I'm not so knowledgeable with photoshop, so if I do rotations and stuff, I don't know how to stop it from putting all sorts of grain all over the image. With this in mind, I rotate something, trace over it in paint (paint just has a more simple interface for tracing things), and change the colors to red, green, and blue with photoshop to copy it into YY-CHR.
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Post by tokumaru »

I don't usually use tile editors because of the limited drawing capabilities. I use mostly MSPaint and convert the BMPs to CHRs with my own tools. It seems that pasting into tile editors is just as good though.
Celius wrote:I'm not so knowledgeable with photoshop, so if I do rotations and stuff, I don't know how to stop it from putting all sorts of grain all over the image.
Have you tried RotSprite? It's made specifically for rotating sprites and it's guesses are usually pretty good. Most of the time you only need very little tweaking on the images after they've been rotated by this program.
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Post by SecretServiceDude »

Celius wrote:I actually use a combination of photoshop and paint. I'm not so knowledgeable with photoshop, so if I do rotations and stuff, I don't know how to stop it from putting all sorts of grain all over the image.
I use Photoshop exclusively. If anyone ever has any questions about Photoshop, feel free to PM me.

I haven't posted in a while because I've been working on a level editor, which concerns Win32 programming more than NES programming. But I still lurk and would like to contribute somehow, so bring on those inquiries!
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Post by Celius »

Wow, that program is really great, Tokumaru! I'll definitely be using this from now on. Thanks for the link!

I suppose someday I might ditch NES graphics editors and make my own conversion apps. But that'll be when I'm done learning C/C++...
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Post by dXtr »

I use YY-CHR as it has everything I need most of the time (although it would be nice with support for layers and some other things some time).

tokumaru > Thanks for the link seems to be a very useful program. :)
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Post by ironfist61 »

I just made my first Famicom Art.
I don't think it's too bad but I don't thik it's good either.
http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/6817/b ... t61rf0.png
It's a Bulbasaur doing SolarBeam with "Hello World" as the caption.
I don't have know any File hosts to upload on so I just rendered a bitmap.
This is some pretty easy stuff. I'm pretty sure the Nes would have a hard time processing the image though.
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Post by Celius »

dXtr wrote:I use YY-CHR as it has everything I need most of the time (although it would be nice with support for layers and some other things some time).
That's my biggest complaint about YY-CHR. I wish it would allow for something like copy everything but color #0. I have portraits that are 64x96 pixels in my game that are layered with sprites, so I'd like to work with layers in that. But I suppose if I'm really so annoyed, I'll just make an application one day that'll fit my needs.
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