Python decoder:
Dumped samples: ... 0(USA).wav
So, the samples actually decode to 8-bit samples, which is a bit bizarre. They just get an LSR before writing $4011. The reason it's so strange is because the compressed sample format is a fixed 5-bits per sample stream which index a 32 byte lookup table for the output; at the beginning of the stream, and at every 20th sample, the lookup table is reset with a 4-bit selection code; there are 16 different lookup tables which map to different ranges of output samples. So... they're decompressing 5-bit samples into 8-bit samples then throwing away a bit, so really they're only getting a compression ratio a bit worse than 5/7. A 5-bit value of 0 halts the sample and returns from playback.
I figured out the locations of samples by hand; there's a bunch of contiguous blocks. (Not sure if I missed any.) There's a mechanism to load and play a sample by a 3-byte pointer (basically bank select + pointer + a few extra bits of data). All of these pointers are stored in bank 2 but some of them are contiguous, some are not; there's not convenient table here. Where there's contiguous ones, they tend to splice words/sentences together out of the consecutive sounds.
As Tepples mentioned, the consonant sounds are often separated (and I think are used as common to many words). Some samples are broken into parts, I think so playback can return for an instant to do animation or something else quickly. The alphabet gets really weird; they tend to be stored in strings of ~30 sample blocks, or other strange combinations.
The following code is the decoding loop. It reads and outputs 8 5-bit samples from 5 bytes of memory, selecting a new lookup table every 20 bytes. It also bankswitches if the end of a bank is reached. Note that the code is interspersed with time wasting NOPs and JSRs to keep the samplerate consistent.
Code: Select all
; entry into sample playback (MMC1 bank has been selected, ($02) is address of sample)
; sample playback also returns here to reset the lookup table every 13 bytes or so
; this first block selects the sample output lookup table
__f378: LDY #$01 ; $f378: a0 01
LDA ($02),y ; $f37a: b1 02 ; load $02+1 ---0
LSR ; $f37c: 4a
DEY ; $f37d: 88
LDA ($02),y ; $f37e: b1 02 ; load $02+0 210-
ROL ; $f380: 2a
AND #$0f ; $f381: 29 0f ; table = 4 bit value in A
STY $09 ; $f383: 84 09 ; $09 = 0 (used later)
ASL ; $f385: 0a
ASL ; $f386: 0a
ASL ; $f387: 0a
ASL ; $f388: 0a
ASL ; $f389: 0a ; A = table 210----- (low 3 bits as high 3 bits of A)
ROL $09 ; $f38a: 26 09 ; store table bit 3 in $09 temporarily
ADC #$17 ; $f38c: 69 17 ; A = A + $17 (tables all start at +$17 offset, note carry = 0 here)
STA $06 ; $f38e: 85 06 ; store low byte of table address
LDA $09 ; $f390: a5 09 ; A = table -------3 (high bit)
ADC #$fb ; $f392: 69 fb ; A = A + $FB (FB17 is address of lowest table, 4 byte value selects from 16 tables)
STA $07 ; $f394: 85 07 ; store high byte, ($06) now stores table
LDX #$03 ; $f396: a2 03 ; X = 3 (return here after 3 loops)
; load the first sample before entering 5-byte / 8-sample loop
LDA ($02),y ; $f398: b1 02 ; load $02 76543
LSR ; $f39a: 4a
LSR ; $f39b: 4a
LSR ; $f39c: 4a
BEQ __f40a ; $f39d: f0 6b ; terminating 0
INC $02 ; $f39f: e6 02 ; inc $02
BNE __f3a8 ; $f3a1: d0 05
INC $03 ; $f3a3: e6 03
JMP __f3ad ; $f3a5: 4c ad f3
__f3a8: NOP ; $f3a8: ea
NOP ; $f3a9: ea
JMP __f3ad ; $f3aa: 4c ad f3
__f3ad: JSR __f520 ; $f3ad: 20 20 f5 ; write sample
JMP __f3b3 ; $f3b0: 4c b3 f3 ; return to top of loop
; top of sample decoding loop
__f3b3: LDA ($02),y ; $f3b3: b1 02 ; load $02 54321
LSR ; $f3b5: 4a
AND #$1f ; $f3b6: 29 1f
BEQ __f40a ; $f3b8: f0 50 ; terminating 0
JSR __f514 ; $f3ba: 20 14 f5 ; delay
NOP ; $f3bd: ea
NOP ; $f3be: ea
NOP ; $f3bf: ea
NOP ; $f3c0: ea
NOP ; $f3c1: ea
NOP ; $f3c2: ea
JSR __f520 ; $f3c3: 20 20 f5 ; do sample
LDA ($02),y ; $f3c6: b1 02 ; load $02 ---76
ASL ; $f3c8: 0a
ROL ; $f3c9: 2a
ROL ; $f3ca: 2a
AND #$03 ; $f3cb: 29 03
STA $09 ; $f3cd: 85 09
JSR __f50a ; $f3cf: 20 0a f5 ; inc $02
LDA ($02),y ; $f3d2: b1 02 ; load $02 210--
AND #$07 ; $f3d4: 29 07
ASL ; $f3d6: 0a
ASL ; $f3d7: 0a
ORA $09 ; $f3d8: 05 09
BEQ __f40a ; $f3da: f0 2e ; terminating 0
JSR __f51d ; $f3dc: 20 1d f5 ; delay
NOP ; $f3df: ea
NOP ; $f3e0: ea
NOP ; $f3e1: ea
NOP ; $f3e2: ea
NOP ; $f3e3: ea
NOP ; $f3e4: ea
NOP ; $f3e5: ea
JMP __f3e9 ; $f3e6: 4c e9 f3
__f3e9: JSR __f520 ; $f3e9: 20 20 f5 ; do sample
LDA ($02),y ; $f3ec: b1 02 ; load $02 76543
LSR ; $f3ee: 4a
LSR ; $f3ef: 4a
LSR ; $f3f0: 4a
BEQ __f40a ; $f3f1: f0 17 ; terminating 0
JSR __f50a ; $f3f3: 20 0a f5 ; inc $02
JSR __f517 ; $f3f6: 20 17 f5 ; delay
JMP __f3fc ; $f3f9: 4c fc f3
__f3fc: NOP ; $f3fc: ea
JSR __f520 ; $f3fd: 20 20 f5 ; do sample
; every third pass through the loop we reset the table and restart
DEX ; $f400: ca ; decrement X
BNE __f406 ; $f401: d0 03
JMP __f378 ; $f403: 4c 78 f3 ; reset the lookup table if X = 0
__f406: LDA ($02),y ; $f406: b1 02 ; load $02 43210
AND #$1f ; $f408: 29 1f
__f40a: BEQ __f483 ; $f40a: f0 77 ; terminating 0
JSR __f514 ; $f40c: 20 14 f5 ; delay
NOP ; $f40f: ea
NOP ; $f410: ea
NOP ; $f411: ea
NOP ; $f412: ea
NOP ; $f413: ea
NOP ; $f414: ea
JSR __f520 ; $f415: 20 20 f5 ; do sample
LDA ($02),y ; $f418: b1 02 ; load $02 --765
ASL ; $f41a: 0a
ROL ; $f41b: 2a
ROL ; $f41c: 2a
ROL ; $f41d: 2a
AND #$07 ; $f41e: 29 07
STA $09 ; $f420: 85 09
JSR __f50a ; $f422: 20 0a f5 ; inc $02
LDA ($02),y ; $f425: b1 02 ; load $02 10---
AND #$03 ; $f427: 29 03
ASL ; $f429: 0a
ASL ; $f42a: 0a
ASL ; $f42b: 0a
ORA $09 ; $f42c: 05 09
BEQ __f483 ; $f42e: f0 53 ; terminating 0
NOP ; $f430: ea
NOP ; $f431: ea
NOP ; $f432: ea
NOP ; $f433: ea
NOP ; $f434: ea
NOP ; $f435: ea
JMP __f439 ; $f436: 4c 39 f4
__f439: JSR __f520 ; $f439: 20 20 f5 ; do sample
LDA ($02),y ; $f43c: b1 02 ; load $02 65432
LSR ; $f43e: 4a
LSR ; $f43f: 4a
AND #$1f ; $f440: 29 1f
BEQ __f483 ; $f442: f0 3f ; terminating 0
JSR __f514 ; $f444: 20 14 f5 ; delay
NOP ; $f447: ea
NOP ; $f448: ea
NOP ; $f449: ea
NOP ; $f44a: ea
NOP ; $f44b: ea
JMP __f44f ; $f44c: 4c 4f f4
JSR __f520 ; $f44f: 20 20 f5 ; do sample
LDA ($02),y ; $f452: b1 02 ; load $02 ----7
ASL ; $f454: 0a
JSR __f50a ; $f455: 20 0a f5 ; inc $02
LDA ($02),y ; $f458: b1 02 ; load $02 3210-
ROL ; $f45a: 2a
AND #$1f ; $f45b: 29 1f
BEQ __f483 ; $f45d: f0 24 ; terminating 0
JSR __f517 ; $f45f: 20 17 f5 ; delay
JSR __f520 ; $f462: 20 20 f5 ; do sample
LDY #$01 ; $f465: a0 01
LDA ($02),y ; $f467: b1 02 ; load $02+1 0----
LSR ; $f469: 4a
DEY ; $f46a: 88
LDA ($02),y ; $f46b: b1 02 ; load $02+0 -7654
JSR __f50a ; $f46d: 20 0a f5
ROR ; $f470: 6a
LSR ; $f471: 4a
LSR ; $f472: 4a
LSR ; $f473: 4a
BEQ __f483 ; $f474: f0 0d ; terminating 0
JSR __f549 ; $f476: 20 49 f5 ; triggers a bankswitch if appropriate
NOP ; $f479: ea
NOP ; $f47a: ea
NOP ; $f47b: ea
NOP ; $f47c: ea
JSR __f520 ; $f47d: 20 20 f5 ; do sample
JMP __f3b3 ; $f480: 4c b3 f3 ; loop
; when a 0 sample is read, this handles the very last sample
__f483: JSR __f50a ; $f483: 20 0a f5 ; do last sample
RTS ; $f486: 60 ; end of loop
; purpose of $f487 - $f509 not known, omitted
; increment ($02) address (sample data pointer)
__f50a: INC $02 ; $f50a: e6 02
BNE __f511 ; $f50c: d0 03
INC $03 ; $f50e: e6 03
RTS ; $f510: 60
__f511: NOP ; $f511: ea
NOP ; $f512: ea
RTS ; $f513: 60
; various delay subroutines
__f514: JSR __f51d ; $f514: 20 1d f5
__f517: JSR __f51d ; $f517: 20 1d f5
__f51a: JSR __f51d ; $f51a: 20 1d f5
__f51d: NOP ; $f51d: ea
NOP ; $f51e: ea
__f51f: RTS ; $f51f: 60
; looks up a table value from the table at ($06) based on the value in A
; delays for a bit, then stores the value (right shifted by 1) in 4011
__f520: TAY ; $f520: a8
LDA ($06),y ; $f521: b1 06 ; lookup sample
JMP __f53f ; $f523: 4c 3f f5
.hex 00 00 00 00 ; $f526: 00 00 00 00 ; empty space in code?
.hex 00 00 00 00 ; $f52a: 00 00 00 00
NOP ; $f52e: ea
__f52f: NOP ; $f52f: ea
__f530: NOP ; $f530: ea
NOP ; $f531: ea
NOP ; $f532: ea
NOP ; $f533: ea
NOP ; $f534: ea
NOP ; $f535: ea
NOP ; $f536: ea
NOP ; $f537: ea
NOP ; $f538: ea
NOP ; $f539: ea
NOP ; $f53a: ea
NOP ; $f53b: ea
NOP ; $f53c: ea
NOP ; $f53d: ea
NOP ; $f53e: ea
__f53f: LDY #$15 ; $f53f: a0 15 ; end of "empty" space?
__f541: DEY ; $f541: 88
BNE __f541 ; $f542: d0 fd ; loop 15 times to delay
LSR ; $f544: 4a ; discard pesky 8th bit
STA $4011 ; $f545: 8d 11 40 ; play sample
RTS ; $f548: 60
; automatically bankswitch if end of bank is reached
__f549: PHA ; $f549: 48
LDA $03 ; $f54a: a5 03
CMP #$bf ; $f54c: c9 bf
BNE __f572 ; $f54e: d0 22
LDA $02 ; $f550: a5 02
CMP #$c0 ; $f552: c9 c0
BCS __f558 ; $f554: b0 02 ; if ($02) > $bfc0
PLA ; $f556: 68
RTS ; $f557: 60
__f558: INC $019c ; $f558: ee 9c 01 ; increment bank in $019c
LDA $019c ; $f55b: ad 9c 01
JSR __f578 ; $f55e: 20 78 f5 ; bankswitch to bank in $019c
LDA $02 ; $f561: a5 02 ; ($02) -= $3fc0
SEC ; $f563: 38
SBC #$c0 ; $f564: e9 c0
STA $02 ; $f566: 85 02
LDA $03 ; $f568: a5 03
SBC #$bf ; $f56a: e9 bf
ORA #$80 ; $f56c: 09 80
STA $03 ; $f56e: 85 03
PLA ; $f570: 68
RTS ; $f571: 60
; sample lookup tables are stored at $fb17
disasm6 romname.nes -o 0xC000 -fs 0x3C010 -i